Offer Research Partnership

Local or organic produce store

Profile: Service provider|Ref:PSL 448962YH | Country: Maroc | Export: Yes


company active in the field of agriculture and products of the Moroccan soil, we offer a selection of labeled products of exceptional quality and refined taste:
olive oils; honeys (thyme, orange, eucalyptus, jujube, carob, argan ...);
almonds and nuts; dates; white truffles; rudders; argan oils; capers; candied olives; candied lemons; aromatic plants; spices….
we also offer essential oils and cosmetics:
(damask rose, lavender, lavandin, wild camomile, blue chamomile, tym, castor, nigella, prickly pear, argan ...)
good to you

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Type d'offre : Offre
Nature du partenariat : Partenariat commercial


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